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Navigating the leadership landscape - finding your own path and building your village

Finding leadership gold at the end of your rainbow


The Proud Science Alliance is sponsoring a series of virtual sessions that will focus on the leadership experience of people who identify as LGBTQ+. The session facilitators aim to build confidence in attendees’ leadership approach and capability while also building confidence to integrate their LGBTQ+ identity as part of their leadership brand.


Leadership Series Summary Overview

The leadership series is a set of four virtual sessions specifically created for employees in the healthcare and life sciences sector who identify as LGBTQ+ and want to focus on their leadership approach and capability. None of the sessions aim to replicate leadership training available to many of us inside our organisations, but instead compliment what you might gain from those and other formal leadership courses. Because the LGBT+ experience at work is often different, even when it comes to leadership, we wanted to acknowledge this and create space to address it in a very practical way. Sessions will be designed and facilitated by a team from the Proud Science Alliance and will feature invited guests.

Session Summary

How do you navigate an environment that values leadership characteristics predicated on the straight, white cis-gendered male archetype? This session explores the concept of support and how to ensure you ask for and get the support you need on your leadership journey. These can be members of the LGBT+ community or allies - whoever will stand beside you and support you.

Projected Outcomes

Attendees are aware of how a certain norm has been applied to leadership, generally speaking. Attendees come away understanding practical ways they can stand in their power as leaders as they navigate their career path in a way that feels comfortable to them. Attendees understand the value of thoughtfully gathering people around them who are supportive and helpful. Attendees gain some practical tips for how they can build their support community and agree some actions they want to take personally.

Register: Eventbrite.